
vrijdag 26 september 2014

Power Engineering, energy conservation and environmental control techniques

Our youngest partner is De Blaay - Van den Bogaard Consulting Engineers (De Blaay) and they are a complementary partner of Steinnero Holding

This firm is a relatively small, but very flexible organization  operating primarily in the field of mechanical and electrical engineering providing consulting services. Mainly, due to the increasing interest of private Dutch enterprises abroad this firm became actively involved in the fields of power engineering, energy conservation and environmental control techniques.
This work basically involves the following sectors of engineering:
  • -  Generation, transmission and distribution of electrical energy
  • -  Energy assessment studies
  • -  Combined heat and power supply
  • -  Energy saving and environmental control
  • -  Water supply and Sewerage Systems
  • -  Biomass and gasification.
In the Netherlands this firm has a staff of about 25 consulting engineers. Furthermore, the firm has contract agreements with a number of specialized senior advisors, covering almost all specific aspects of energy and environment. This gives the company the capability to present the highest possible specialist input, where and whenever the project so requires.
By pursuing this policy a maximum of "historical" know-how and experience is assured.
In this way De Blaay - Van den Bogaard Consulting Engineers can provide just the right man or team at the right time.

They are of the opinion that it is important to strengthen relations between companies in the various countries and subcontinents. The international financing organisations, such as the World Bank, EC, Asian Development Bank etc., in general pursue the policy to award contracts to companies that perform services in a joint venture with local enterprises. The Ministry of developmental cooperation in the Netherlands usually follows the same procedure. To assure efficient short listing for a project or study the company has been registered with the various financing organizations.

De Blaay - Van den Bogaard Raadgevende Ingenieurs B.V. is an independently operating consulting engineers company, and does not combine the functions of consultants with those of contractors/equipment suppliers, and is not associated with, affiliated to, or owned by a contractor.

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