Five students of the Rotterdam Highschool worked 6 months to develop a standard for building a floating platform out of plastic waste. These students are studying different disciplines: Engineering, Civil engineering, Watermanagement and Logistics and Economics.
In the first stage the team discussed some basic forms, such as triangle and hexagon. After consulting several specialists and projects the team developed a triangle based platform out of PE plastic waste. This waste is collected separately in Rotterdam and pre treated to this new developed product. A 'next economy' and 'plastic soup' solving innovation.
At the school competition the Team concept was chosen as best out of seventeen!
As Dutch Waste Management (for this project Rob Steine - Steinnero Holding en Peet de Bruijn - De Bruijn Advies en Realisatie) we are looking back on a fruitful cooperation with Stadsontwikkeling Rotterdam-Joep van Leeuwen, school coordinator Leo van Gelder and students.
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